<p>Forcibly closes this stream.</p>
@return the {@link hunt.http.codec.http.stream.Stream.Listener} associated with this stream @see #setListener(Stream.Listener)
@return whether this stream is local or remote
@return whether the stream is closed remotely. @see #isClosed()
<p>Processes the given {@code frame}, belonging to this stream.</p>
@param listener the {@link hunt.http.codec.http.stream.Stream.Listener} associated with this stream @see #getListener()
<p>Updates the close state of this stream.</p>
<p>Updates the stream receive window by the given {@code delta}.</p>
<p>Updates the stream send window by the given {@code delta}.</p>
@return the stream unique id
@return the session this stream is associated to
<p>Sends the given HEADERS {@code frame} representing a HTTP response.</p>
<p>Sends the given PUSH_PROMISE {@code frame}.</p>
<p>Sends the given DATA {@code frame}.</p>
<p>Sends the given RST_STREAM {@code frame}.</p>
@param key the attribute key @return an arbitrary object associated with the given key to this stream or null if no object can be found for the given key. @see #setAttribute(string, Object)
@param key the attribute key @param value an arbitrary object to associate with the given key to this stream @see #getAttribute(string) @see #removeAttribute(string)
@param key the attribute key @return the arbitrary object associated with the given key to this stream @see #setAttribute(string, Object)
@return whether this stream has been reset
@return whether this stream is closed, both locally and remotely.
@param idleTimeout the stream idle timeout @see #getIdleTimeout() @see Stream.Listener#onIdleTimeout(Stream, Exception)
<p>A {@link Stream.Listener} is the passive counterpart of a {@link Stream} and receives events happening on a HTTP/2 stream.</p>
<p>The SPI interface for implementing a HTTP/2 stream.</p> <p>This class :{@link Stream} by adding the methods required to implement the HTTP/2 stream functionalities.</p>