Cache of common {@link HttpField}s including: <UL>
<LI>Common static combinations such as:<UL>
<li>Connection: close
<li>Accept-Encoding: gzip
<li>Content-Length: 0
<li>Combinations of Content-Type header for common mime types by common charsets
<li>Most common headers with null values so that a lookup will at least
determine the header name even if the name:value combination is not cached
Cache of common {@link HttpField}s including: <UL> <LI>Common static combinations such as:<UL> <li>Connection: close <li>Accept-Encoding: gzip <li>Content-Length: 0 </ul> <li>Combinations of Content-Type header for common mime types by common charsets <li>Most common headers with null values so that a lookup will at least determine the header name even if the name:value combination is not cached </ul>