module hunt.http.codec.websocket.model.extension.compress.DeflateFrameExtension;

import hunt.http.Exceptions;
import hunt.http.WebSocketFrame;

 * Implementation of the
 * <a href="">deflate-frame</a>
 * extension seen out in the wild.
// class DeflateFrameExtension : CompressExtension {
//     override
//     string getName() {
//         return "deflate-frame";
//     }

//     override
//     int getRsvUseMode() {
//         return RSV_USE_ALWAYS;
//     }

//     override
//     int getTailDropMode() {
//         return TAIL_DROP_ALWAYS;
//     }

//     override
//     void incomingFrame(Frame frame) {
//         // Incoming frames are always non concurrent because
//         // they are read and parsed with a single thread, and
//         // therefore there is no need for synchronization.

//         if (frame.getType().isControl() || !frame.isRsv1() || !frame.hasPayload()) {
//             nextIncomingFrame(frame);
//             return;
//         }

//         try {
//             ByteAccumulator accumulator = newByteAccumulator();
//             decompress(accumulator, frame.getPayload());
//             decompress(accumulator, TAIL_BYTES_BUF.slice());
//             forwardIncoming(frame, accumulator);
//         } catch (DataFormatException e) {
//             throw new BadPayloadException(e);
//         }
//     }

// }